FACT…Most PPC campaigns that are self managed overspend on clicks and waste budget
We have audited hundreds of Google Ads accounts, here are the most common mistakes we find:
- Low Quality (Relevance) Scores
- Targeting vague, generic keywords
- Not tracking conversions
- Using the incorrect matching type for keywords
- Scheduling ads to run all day every day
- Using a single text ad for multiple, varied keywords
find out how your ppc campaigns can be improved by requesting a FREE account audit from a certified PPC EXPERT
- How much work does your existing agency actually do?
- Are you using the right keywords?
- Are you using negative keywords?
- What keyword matching strategy are you using?
- How well written and compelling are your ads?
- How much are you bidding for keywords?
- Are you tracking and optimising for conversions?
- What are you quality scores?
- How good are your landing pages?
“Your PPC Review helped me increase my conversion rate from 5% to 12% which has helped my business immensely. Thank You!”
Garry Jones – Advanced Vehicle Solutions